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Congratulations to the graduating class of 2024! Sow the seeds of community involvement and keep volunteering!

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As a volunteer for Hospice Dufferin you have the opportunity to meet some of the most amazing people who will inspire you. They can help you realize how precious life is, and how blessed you are to be healthy. They give you more than you will ever give them, and I consider myself very lucky that I get to be a volunteer and meet these amazing people. If you would like to make your life richer I highly recommend becoming a Hospice Dufferin volunteer.
Margie, Hospice Volunteer
Volunteer Visiting is a two-way street. The client benefits from having me go into their home for a chit-chat; perhaps a discussion on the news of the day or help solve a problem for them over a cup of coffee or tea. Volunteering has given me a sense of pride in myself, knowing our community to be a better place to live due to this visiting program.
Friendly Visitor
I had contemplated becoming a Big Sister for quite some time when one day I just decided to go down to their office and find out more about it. ….. It's been just over a year now and both Ayden and I are still really enjoying our time together. At first I was concerned about what we would do and the fact that I am an older Big Sister than some, but it is so wonderful to know that I am making a difference in a child’s life in the most ordinary of things. …… I could go on and on about the time we spend together but I would really like to encourage anyone who may be thinking about it or considering becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister to just do it! It truly is time well spent. The need is great and you can be part of the solution, you can invest in the life of a child with just your time. Ayden and I just can't wait to meet you at the next Big Brothers Big Sisters event! Come on, there are some great kids here that need a friend to come along side them and mentor them into becoming all they can be! See YOU at the next event!
Ruth, Big Sister, BBBS
“It gives me a warm feeling and a sense of accomplishment to help people.”
Telecheck Volunteer
“Delivered meals for 12 years and the clients warmed my heart. I definitely got more out of this than I put in!!”
Meals on Wheels Volunteer
"We have been delivering meals for many years and get great satisfaction in knowing we are helping others through our voluntary efforts."
John and Ann Green
I feel like this friendship was meant to be! Jessica likes to teach me how to cook, and bake. We love painting our nails while listening to music very loudly and dancing. We even like our lazy days too when we watch movies, or just sit around chatting. Jessica is one of the nicest people I have ever met and we have a lot in common. I look forward to every visit that we plan. I think of her as a real sister.
Carly, Little Sister, BBBS
“From 8:30 in the morning to noon I can forget about myself and whatever stresses I may have as I speak to those who courageously face older age.”
Telecheck Volunteer
Love the site! It's a stunning tool to support volunteering and our vibrant community!
David Nairn, Theatre Orangeville
“...I am in an environment of caring, compassionate people. This reinforces my own humanity and recharges my batteries to deal with the world outside our Torchlight community…..It is definitely an exciting learning and discovery process I value greatly.”
Community Torchlight Volunteer
You don't know what you have to give until you get involved. Then you realize you do have something to offer and it's easy to put it out there!
Youth Volunteer
"When I volunteered to be a Big Brother, I wasn't sure what to expect, but it's become a strong and lasting relationship for both of us. It isn't hard to keep in contact with someone you care about!"
Big Brother Volunteer
When my wife died, I needed something to keep myself busy and active. I think I get more than I give, but I have been a volunteer driver for over 10 years now, and now I'm on the Board. I think it keeps me healthy and happy.
Senior Volunteer
Having a volunteer presence in Dufferin with the Volunteer Dufferin website will be a wonderful link for people with ‘a heart to volunteer’ to actually be able to easily connect to those services that need volunteers. A ‘buddy’ to mentor a child - a friend to deliver a meal and visit a lonely senior – a compassionate hand for a life well lived – caring volunteers in a caring community. Volunteers are the ‘human element’ of all community services and they are vital to the well-being of our communities in the County of Dufferin.
Carol Kidd, Caledon Meals on Wheels