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Congratulations to the graduating class of 2024! Sow the seeds of community involvement and keep volunteering!

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do to get prepared to be a volunteer?

The most important preparation is that you are interested in volunteering and you are taking initiative. That's a great start! Think about what you want to offer, and what you like to do. As our slogan says: Give a little, Get a lot!

This fun and informative quiz can help you find out what kind of volunteer work you may like to do for your community.

Is there a minimum age or other specific requirements to volunteer?

If there is a minimum age or specific requirements they will be identified in the organization's posting.

How do I get started to look for a volunteer opportunity?

Just click the button "I Want To Volunteer" to see all the opportunities listed. If you know the organization you want to volunteer for, you can also click through to see all the opportunities listed by that organization. We suggest you create a profile so that you can identify your interests and be matched to opportunities that will be best for you. You can also then receive emails that will highlight opportunities that are up your alley as they come in. And for fun and information, click on this quiz to see what types of volunteer opportunities might be right up your alley. If you're a student looking to complete your 40 hours of volunteer service, click here for more information.

What actually happens when I hit 'I'm interested' on a volunteer posting?

The first 'I'm interested' will take you to a page that gives you all the details about the volunteer opportunity.

If you are interested in contacting the organization to volunteer for that position, then you will click on 'I'm Interested' again.

At that point, if you have built a profile, your basic contact information will be sent in an email to the person at the organization who connects with volunteers. They will contact you by email or phone to follow up and so that you can ask any questions about the opportunity. This will happen automatically, so it's easy for you and for the organization.

If you haven't built a profile, when you click on 'I'm Interested' on a specific volunteer posting, you will be asked to 'build your profile', and then your information will go to the organization automatically.

In either case, they should contact your by phone or email within the next 7 business days.

I'd like to hear about new opportunities that come up in my areas of interest. How can I make sure that I do?

If you want to be notified when something comes up in your areas of interest, simply build your profile and you'll be notified by email.

What if my question is not answered here?

For any additional questions or those not answered here, email